File/Directory Problem Megathread - Check here first for problems with files/directories

The following are a list of common problems users have with file access.

If you do not see your problem below or a solution does not work, please create a new post on this topic.

Cannot create files

Common Errors Associated

  • “No space on device”

Common Resolutions

  • If creating a file within your home directory or bigdata, make sure that you are within quota limits using check_quota home or check_quota bigdata.
  • Delete files/directories in order to free up enough space to be back within the quota.
    • If in bigdata then purchasing additional storage is another option. Increasing the quota for home directories is not supported.
  • Some additional documentation is available here: Permissions and Ownership | HPCC

No permissions to create/modify/delete file

Common Errors Associated

  • “Permission Denied”

Common Resolutions

  • Make sure that you have appropriate permissions to modify the file
  • If you are working out of the “shared” folder of your lab, make sure that the owner of the file/directory sets the appropriate permissions such that other users in the lab can modify them.

Accidentally deleted file/directory

Common Errors Associated

  • Deletion of file/directory using rm

Common Resolutions

  • Restore file from last snapshot.
    • Home directories are snapshotted daily, and bigdata is snapshotted weekly (Saturday night)
    • Documentation related to accessing snapshots is available here: Data Storage | HPCC