Login Problem Megathread - Check here first for problems logging in

The following are a list of common problems users have with logging in (SSH, RStudio, etc).

If you do not see your problem below or a solution does not work, please create a new post on this topic.

Cannot log in via SSH

Common Errors Associated

  • Getting stuck in the “Duo Loop” of constantly asking for a password, then Duo, then back to password.

Common Resolutions

  • Make sure you are entering your password correctly. The cluster password is different than UCR’s CAS password.
    • Note that you will not see characters as you type your password on the terminal. This is expected.
  • Reset your password by emailing support@hpcc.ucr.edu

Common Errors Associated

kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Connection closed by xx port 22

Note: This error is also associated with attempting to run scp on the cluster with the remote machine also being the cluster. Please run scp commands from your local machine instead.

Common Resolutions

Wait 15 minutes. After multiple failed login attempts out systems will block your IP address from connecting. These blocks only last 15 minutes, after which you’ll be able to connect again. If you continue to have problems after 20 minutes, reach out to support@hpcc.ucr.edu

SSH Keys not working

Common Errors Associated

  • Still asking for password/Duo

Common Resolutions

  • Make sure your public key is in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the cluster
  • Make sure permissions are correct on the cluster
    • Your ~/.ssh folder should have permissions 0700: chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
    • Your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys should have permissions 0600: chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Make sure your application is actually using the ssh keys
    • This varies program to program, but some common programs on different OSs are available here
  • Attempt connecting using the -i flag to manually specify which private key to use.
    • eg. ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa your_username@cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu

Cannot log in to RStudio

Common Errors Associated

  • RStudio says password is incorrect, despite being able to log in via other means.

Common Resolutions

  • There is a chance that a login service has died on the server. Please email support@hpcc.ucr.edu
  • An alternative solution is to use our OnDemand. Performance will likely be better on OnDemand regardless.